Articles | Volume 7, issue 3
Research article
24 Jul 2019
Research article |  | 24 Jul 2019

Statistical modelling of co-seismic knickpoint formation and river response to fault slip

Philippe Steer, Thomas Croissant, Edwin Baynes, and Dimitri Lague

Model code and software

RiverFault P. Steer and T. Croissant

Short summary
We use a statistical earthquake generator to investigate the influence of fault activity on river profile development and on the formation of co-seismic knickpoints. We find that the magnitude distribution of knickpoints resulting from a purely seismic fault is homogeneous. Shallow aseismic slip favours knickpoints generated by large-magnitude earthquakes nucleating at depth. Accounting for fault burial by alluvial cover can modulate the topographic expression of earthquakes and fault activity.